Occupation information for Police Identification and Records Officers United States


Collect evidence at crime scene, classify and identify fingerprints, and photograph evidence for use in criminal and civil cases.

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Currently Employed: 114,400

Projected Annual Job Openings: 8,600

Typical Hourly Wage: $31.17 - $55.85

Typical Annual Salary: $64,830 - $116,170

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typical training

Typical education needed for entry: High school diploma or equivalent

Typical work experience needed for a job in this occupation: Less than 5 years work experience

Typical on-the-job training once you have a job in this occupation: 1 to 12 months on-the-job training

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typical job duties
  • Maintain records of evidence and write and review reports.
  • Package, store and retrieve evidence.
  • Submit evidence to supervisors, crime labs, or court officials for legal proceedings.
  • Testify in court and present evidence.
  • Analyze and process evidence at crime scenes, during autopsies, or in the laboratory, wearing protective equipment and using powders and chemicals.
  • Look for trace evidence, such as fingerprints, hairs, fibers, or shoe impressions, using alternative light sources when necessary.
  • Interview victims, witnesses, suspects, and other law enforcement personnel.
  • Photograph crime or accident scenes for evidence records.
  • Dust selected areas of crime scene and lift latent fingerprints, adhering to proper preservation procedures.
  • Process film and prints from crime or accident scenes.
tools & technology
  • Biological evidence collection kits
  • Camera lens
  • Footprint lifters
  • Forensic magnifiers
  • Lasers

  • Data base user interface and query software
  • Graphics or photo imaging software
  • Internet browser software
  • Operating system software
  • Word processing software